Custom Code in Microsoft RDLC Report


This is the copied code available in several forums (All are same).
Only thing is the same code was not working for Custom code in Report - Properties - Code Section.

so here is the complete / debugged and successfully running code snippet:

Public Function changeCurrencyToWords(numb As [String]) As [String]
Return changeToWords(numb, True)
End Function

Public Function changeCurrencyToWords(numb As Double) As [String]
Return changeToWords(numb.ToString(), True)
End Function

Private Function changeToWords(numb As [String], isCurrency As Boolean) As [String]
Dim val As [String] = ""
Dim wholeNo As [String] = numb
Dim points As [String] = ""
Dim andStr As [String] = ""
Dim pointStr As [String] = ""

Dim endStr As [String] = ""
If isCurrency Then
endStr = "Only"
endStr = ""
End If
'endStr = If((isCurrency), ("Only"), (""))
Dim decimalPlace As Integer = numb.IndexOf(".")
If decimalPlace > 0 Then
wholeNo = numb.Substring(0, decimalPlace)
points = numb.Substring(decimalPlace + 1)
If Convert.ToInt32(points) > 0 Then
If isCurrency Then
andStr = "and"
andStr = "point"
End If
If isCurrency Then
endStr = "Paise " & endStr
endStr = ""
End If
pointStr = translateCents(points)
End If
End If
val = [String].Format("{0} {1}{2} {3}", translateWholeNumber(wholeNo).Trim(), andStr, pointStr, endStr)

End Try
Return val
End Function

Private Function translateWholeNumber(number As [String]) As [String]
Dim word As String = ""
Dim beginsZero As Boolean = False
'tests for 0XX
Dim isDone As Boolean = False
'test if already translated
Dim dblAmt As Double = (Convert.ToDouble(number))
'if ((dblAmt > 0) && number.StartsWith("0"))
If dblAmt > 0 Then
'test for zero or digit zero in a nuemric
beginsZero = number.StartsWith("0")
Dim numDigits As Integer = number.Length
Dim pos As Integer = 0
'store digit grouping
Dim place As [String] = ""
'digit grouping name:hundres,thousand,etc...
Select Case numDigits
Case 1
'ones' range
word = ones(number)
isDone = True
Exit Select
Case 2
'tens' range
word = tens(number)
isDone = True
Exit Select
Case 3
'hundreds' range
pos = (numDigits Mod 3) + 1
place = " Hundred "
Exit Select
'thousands' range
Case 4, 5, 6
pos = (numDigits Mod 4) + 1
place = " Thousand "
Exit Select
'millions' range
Case 7, 8, 9
pos = (numDigits Mod 7) + 1
place = " Lac(s) "
Exit Select
Case 10
'Billions's range
pos = (numDigits Mod 10) + 1
place = " Crore(s) "
Exit Select
Case Else
'add extra case options for anything above Billion...
isDone = True
Exit Select
End Select

If Not isDone Then
'if transalation is not done, continue...(Recursion comes in now!!)
word = translateWholeNumber(number.Substring(0, pos)) + place + translateWholeNumber(number.Substring(pos))
'check for trailing zeros
If beginsZero Then
word = " and " & word.Trim()
End If
End If
'ignore digit grouping names
If word.Trim().Equals(place.Trim()) Then
word = ""
End If
End If

End Try
Return word.Trim()
End Function

Private Function tens(digit As [String]) As [String]
Dim digt As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(digit)
Dim name As [String] = Nothing
Select Case digt
Case 10
name = "Ten"
Exit Select
Case 11
name = "Eleven"
Exit Select
Case 12
name = "Twelve"
Exit Select
Case 13
name = "Thirteen"
Exit Select
Case 14
name = "Fourteen"
Exit Select
Case 15
name = "Fifteen"
Exit Select
Case 16
name = "Sixteen"
Exit Select
Case 17
name = "Seventeen"
Exit Select
Case 18
name = "Eighteen"
Exit Select
Case 19
name = "Nineteen"
Exit Select
Case 20
name = "Twenty"
Exit Select
Case 30
name = "Thirty"
Exit Select
Case 40
name = "Fourty"
Exit Select
Case 50
name = "Fifty"
Exit Select
Case 60
name = "Sixty"
Exit Select
Case 70
name = "Seventy"
Exit Select
Case 80
name = "Eighty"
Exit Select
Case 90
name = "Ninety"
Exit Select
Case Else
If digt > 0 Then
name = Convert.ToString(tens(digit.Substring(0, 1) & "0")) & " " & Convert.ToString(ones(digit.Substring(1)))
End If
Exit Select
End Select
Return name
End Function

Private Function ones(digit As [String]) As [String]
Dim digt As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(digit)
Dim name As [String] = ""
Select Case digt
Case 1
name = "One"
Exit Select
Case 2
name = "Two"
Exit Select
Case 3
name = "Three"
Exit Select
Case 4
name = "Four"
Exit Select
Case 5
name = "Five"
Exit Select
Case 6
name = "Six"
Exit Select
Case 7
name = "Seven"
Exit Select
Case 8
name = "Eight"
Exit Select
Case 9
name = "Nine"
Exit Select
End Select
Return name
End Function

Private Function translateCents(cents As [String]) As [String]
Dim cts As [String] = "", digit As [String] = "", engOne As [String] = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To cents.Length - 1
digit = cents(i).ToString()
If digit.Equals("0") Then
engOne = "Zero"
engOne = ones(digit)
End If
cts += " " & engOne
Return cts
End Function

Happy Coding...


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